New Berlin, WI - Tekra will be exhibiting at the Dscoop Conference, booth #36, March 25th - 28th in Dallas, Texas. They will be displaying their line of Indigo and inkjet print-ready materials, including vinyl, polycarbonates, polyesters, and label stocks.
"Dscoop has proven to be a valuable conference for us, with the ever-growing market and the expanding possibility of applications. The education and exposure is unmatched making this a perfect place to learn about the changing industry and exhibit our entire line of digitally printable materials", states Rebecca Fuhrman, Market Development Manager of Digital Films at Tekra. "Our Dura-Go® line of Indigo-ready films is really our main focus for this show, however with HP's extensive line of inkjet machinery, we are always sure to include our lines of JetView™ materials, which include synthetic materials for UV, latex, and solvent inks. We offer a wide variety of films that cover everything from POP signage, to backlit signs and tradeshow graphics", continues Fuhrman.
Tekra will be featuring their Dura-Go® line of optimized films, with focus on the capabilities of their Dura-Go® polycarbonate. "Polycarbonate is a film that services a specialty market, however, its capabilities far exceed what people consider it for. The variety of finishes, high-end appearance and ease of processing make this product a reliable 'go-to' for applications from high-performance graphics, to overlays and durable labels", states Fuhrman.
To preview their film offerings, follow Tekra at their Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Google+ social media sites, as they are discussed in the upcoming weeks prior to the show. When at the show, visit booth #36 for more information and free samples.