Kaladex® 2000 is a hazy, uncoated polyester PEN film and is considered the standard PEN film in the Kaladex® line, whereas Kaladex® 2000L offers superior shrink resistance.
Kaladex® is a polyethylene-naphthalate (PEN) film manufactured by Mylar® Specialty Films (formerly DuPont Teijin Films™). Originally introduced in 1992, Kaladex® polyester PEN film is better equipped for harsh environment applications than traditional PET and has many superior properties such as heat resistance, UV resistance, moisture and oxygen barrier, and more.
It also serves as a cost-effective alternative to specialty engineered films like polyimides. Kaladex® is used in frontsheets, backsheets, and electrodes within solar cells, hi-fi speaker diaphragms, electrical insulation in high temperature environments like electric vehicle batteries, fuel cells, motors, capacitors, transformers, flat flexible cables, and flexible printed circuitry, and more.