Tekra Fundamentals - What are the Differences between PEN Film and PET Film?

What is PEN film?

PEN film is short for polyethylene naphthalate, and fills the performance gap between polyester PET films and high performance polyimide films. Tekra carries Kaladex® and Teonex® brand PEN films for harsh environment applications, particularly those seeing high temperatures.

Polyester PEN films should be considered a specialty product offering. They are manufactured in gauges from 0.6 mil to 10 mil. Based on volume, stocking programs can be established to lessen the impact of product availability and lead times.

Tekra offers PEN films with varying levels of shrink resistance to maintain dimensional stability during processing:

What are the key differences between PEN vs PET?

Kaladex® and Teonex® PEN films have many superior properties over PET such as strength, heat resistance, anti-hydrolysis, dimensional stability, and low oligomer extraction. Because of these performance characteristics, PEN film has the potential to replace other engineering films, such as polyimides, with better cost effectivenessLike polyester PET films, PEN films also have good dielectric properties, chemical resistance, and handling properties.

Test Method 48 ga Mylar A PET Film 48 ga Q51 PEN Film
Physical Properties   
Elongation at Break MD 110% 90%
Elongation at Break TD 70% 85%
Tensile Strength 32 kpsi 38 kpsi
Thermal Properties  
Shrinkage MD (150°C) 2% 0.4%
Shrinkage TD (150°C) 1% 0%

What are common applications for PEN film?

  • Electrical insulation for high temperature environments
  • Automotive batteries and fuel cells
  • Solar cells
  • Flat flexible cables
  • Flexible printed circuitry
  • Motors
  • Capacitors
  • Transformers

For more information, please contact us or call (800) 448-3572.


PEN Film Solar Panel

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